May 17, 2022
Peter Atalla

What Is 4D Volumetric Data?

4D Mapping

3D Data

A great example of 3D data is the maps we see produced by Google Maps. This kind of data is a brilliant visualization tool, it’s pleasant to look at and human friendly but when you really look at them, there’s not a huge amount of information there.

The majority of the objects shown on these maps are simply empty meshes with no information inside of the structure. This becomes more obvious when you zoom into the object and you’ll find low accuracy data. This is a great solution for humans, but for other applications, it’s not so good.

4D Volumetric Data

The Voxelmaps 3D model addresses not only the external surface data of objects but the interior data as well. This means that within the same model you can collect and manage hyper-accurate information (down to 1cm voxels) and collect the interior/subterranean space. That data will instantly drop into the model, there’s no need for extensive post-processing (or reprocessing) of meshes to correct textures - with our advanced 4D technology and voxel structure, it just works!

We then add the element of time, that’s what makes the volumetric data a true 4D model. This is very important to enable change detection. While it is great to have a 3D environment, all of these environments around us are in constant change, so it’s important that we can have the ability to model and track the changes as well.

Take a look at Peter Atalla’s talk on Voxelizing the Earth by clicking here.

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